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Promote Your Products with Rich Pins on Pinterest

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This is a guest post from Kristie Hill of

Pinterest is the perfect platform for marketing your products (digital or physical), and the best way to get your products seen on Pinterest is by using Rich Pins! Anyone can utilize this powerhouse feature to more effectively promote their products on Pinterest.

Product Rich Pins take an ordinary Pin and make it actionable. Pinners can see that this image it is more than inspiration – they can actually purchase this item and use it themselves!

Rich Pins are Pins with extra information added to the Pin itself. For products, this information could include the price, availability, description, and where to purchase. This information comes directly from your website’s product listing.

In the feed, Product Pins include a little shopping tag icon under the image and next to the seller name.

When a Pinner clicks for a close up of the Pin they’ll see the same information along with the price and the description of the product.

Why use Product Rich Pins to promote your product?

Pinners Are Shoppers.

Some come looking for products. Others come looking for ideas and then end up purchasing. No matter their journey, Pinterest activity often turns into real-life purchases.

For example:

Rich Pins can make a real impact on your bottom line. After DIY site Dawanda activated Product Rich Pins and followed Pinterest’s Best Practices they saw a 100% increase in traffic and a 13% higher than average order values.

Pinterest is the perfect platform for people to discover and then purchase your product! If you want results that match these stats, use Product Rich Pins!

Product Rich Pins Make Your Products Easier to Find

When people search Pinterest, they can filter to only see Product Pins. Enabling Product Pins will help you to show up in these searches. People that use this feature are looking to buy!

The little price tag also makes your product recognizable in any feed on Pinterest, even if they weren’t originally looking to purchase anything.

Product Rich Pins Encourage Higher Click-Through Rate

As I mentioned above, Product Pins imply that there is more to the Pin image than inspiration. By displaying the sales tag alongside the Pin, Pinners are encouraged to do more than save the Pin to one of their boards. They are more likely to click through and look at the product.

Here’s what Pinterest has to say about this, “Rich Pins provide more context about an idea because they show extra information directly on a Pin … Product Pins make shopping easier. They include real-time pricing, availability and where to buy your product.”

Product Rich Pins May Make Better Ads

When you run an ad campaign on Pinterest, clicks to the promoted Pin bring people directly to your site – no closeup step required (as is the case with organic Pins). Naturally, you want people clicking on those ads to know up front that they’ll be taken to a site where they can buy your product. Product Rich Pins make this clear before they click (and before you get charged!).

Product Rich Pins Update When you Update the Product

Change the price of your product? No problem! The price will change on all of your existing Pins on Pinterest as well. Any time you change the product’s title, product description, price, or availability – the information in the Product Rich Pin will change too.

This is different from the Pin description, which can be changed by each Pinner.

Pins live forever and as time goes on more and more people will save your Pin to their boards. Having Rich Pins ensures that all the up to date vital information about your products stays with all of those Pins

Product Rich Pins are a One-Time, Easy Setup

You only have to set up and apply for Pinterest Product Rich Pins once. After that, all of the products you’ve previously saved to Pinterest will be converted to Product Rich Pins.

Below are instructions for enabling Product Rich Pins on:

Saving Product Rich Pins from Your Site

Create a compelling title and description for every product. Product Rich Pins pull the title and description from your product listing title and description. So, creating a product listing like this on Shopify…

Would create a Product Rich Pin that looks like this on Pinterest:

Continue to save new Pins to Pinterest as usual and they’ll show up as Rich Pins. No special steps are required! Remember that Pinterest wants fresh content, so create and save new products and blog posts to Pinterest consistently.

One way to make sure you’re Pinning consistently is to use a Pinterest-approved partner tool like Tailwind, which helps you Pin when your followers are most likely to engage. Follower engagement is key to getting your Pins in front of more potential customers.

Setting Up Product Rich Pins for Etsy, Teachers Pay Teachers, and ebay

If you are selling products on one of these platforms you do not need to do anything to get Product Rich Pins. It’s already all set up for you!

Simply save your product to Pinterest and the Product Rich Pin will be available within 24 hours. Don’t fret if your listing isn’t automatically a Product Rich Pin, check back in a day or two and you’ll see the Rich Pin.

Setting up Product Rich Pins for Shopify

Your shop is already configured properly for Product Rich Pins, all you need to do is apply for them!

  1. Copy the URL for one of your available products
  2. Paste the product URL into the Pinterest validator and add .oembed to the end of your URL
  3. Click the Validate button
  4. Once validated make sure Shopify is selected and then click Apply now
  5. Your Pins will start showing up as Product Rich Pins

Setting up Product Rich Pins for Woocommerce

When you use Woocommerce with the Yoast SEO plugin installed, setting up Product Rich Pins is just a few simple steps.

  1. Make sure open graph is enabled in your Yoast SEO settings (navigate to SEO > Social > Facebook )
  2. Copy the URL for one of your available products
  3. Paste the product URL into the Pinterest validator
  4. Click Apply now

Manually add Product Rich Pins

Many bloggers and online entrepreneurs sell products directly on their site with a checkout service like Paypal, Gumroad or Samcart. You can still enable Product Rich Pins on your sales pages! This will require a little bit of coding.

For WordPress Users

First, see if the WordPress theme you are using adds header/footer boxes to individual posts and pages. I use the Genesis Framework and this is one of the features it includes.

If your theme does not add header and footer boxes to posts and pages you’ll need to install a plugin like Header and Footer Scripts

Next, open up the page or post where people can purchase your product. For best user experience make sure that there is a purchase button on the page you want to create a Product Rich Pin for.

Scroll down to the header script box and paste the following code:

Make sure to change the title, price amount, price currency, and description to reflect your product before saving.

If you do not include an og:description, it will default to the page meta description.

If you’ve already applied for Article Rich Pins, you don’t need to do anything else. Simply save this page to Pinterest and it will start showing up as a Product Rich Pin.

If you haven’t previously applied for Rich Pins you will need to copy the URL and submit it to the Pinterest Validator.

Can I Use Two Kinds of Rich Pins on My Site?

You can have Product Rich Pins and Article Rich Pins, just not on the same page/post URL.

Articles/blog posts will automatically show up as Article Rich Pins if you have also set up and applied for Article Rich Pins. Pins leading to product pages will show up as Product Rich Pins.

If you have a product for sale in a blog post and use the instructions above to manually add in the data for Product Rich Pins, the post will show up as a Product Rich Pin and not an Article Rich Pin.

Note: sometimes Pinterest’s crawler or system is delayed in updating Rich Pins info by 1-2 days. So if yours don’t show up immediately, check back in a few days.

In Conclusion

Pinners are doers – and shoppers, making Pinterest the perfect place to promote your products. Product Rich Pins are powerful – they ensure that people know your Pins are shoppable and provide key details to help them take the next step. Taking a few minutes to set up Product Rich Pins and consistently adding fresh content to Pinterest will help build your traffic and product sales.

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