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6 Ways to Get More Repins on Pinterest

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6 Ways To Get More Repins on Pinterest

Getting more repins is a vital part of your Pinterest marketing strategy, as this can ensure that people are visiting your website weeks after you’ve initially pinned your content.  

According to one Pinterest study, 30% of click-throughs for a pin happen after the second day it’s posted. In the world of social media, that’s an incredibly long life span for click-throughs. Now imagine other people are repinning your content and their content also gets 30% click-throughs after day two, then the number of click-throughs multiplies indefinitely. This is why it’s vital to get as many repins as you can from the start.  

In this blog post, I’m going to show you 6 ways to increase the number of repins on your Pinterest account.

1) Design Your Pinterest Pins for Smartphones

There are some great tools out there that can help you design pins for Pinterest, but one of the key points you need to keep in mind is to design your pins for smartphone viewing.  According to Pinterest , 75% of daily Pinterest usage comes from mobile and tablets. 75% of daily Pinterest usage comes from mobile and tablets. Click to Tweet

For the clients I have worked with, I have found that approximately 50% of repins from their website come from iPhone and Android smartphones. People love to repin on their smartphones.

You can find out where the majority of your pins are coming from which device by going into your Pinterest analytics and choosing repins and then the device:

Pinterest Analytics

So be sure that you are designing your pins to be eye-catching on a smartphone device.

The most common mistakes I see is a text overlay that’s too small to see on a mobile device. The right-hand side of the image below is a great example of a readable text overlay from travel blog, Bacon is Magic. As you can see, the fonts are nice and visible.

mobile pin (1)On the left is a horizontal pin with a font that is visible but it requires extra effort to clearly see what the text is.

2) Repin Your Old Content Again and Again

Did you have a pin that generated a lot of repins in the past? When was the last time that you repinned that same pin?

If you have a pin that receives a lot of repins and a lot of click-throughs, then you need to repin that pin again onto the same board, or onto a different (but relevant) board.

By doing this, new followers of your board, and old followers who didn’t see the pin from last time, have the potential to see the pin. Think of it like a retweet.

One of my clients has a pin that has received over 110,000 repins to date. I will repin that same pin once a month onto the same board, or to another relevant board, and inevitably it will receive between 40-60 additional repins each time it’s pinned.  

3) Encourage Your E-mail List to Repin Your Content

If you’re looking to get more repins, then consider sharing your pins with your e-mail list and asking them to repin. This strategy is not effective if you have a small e-mail list. When my e-mail list was 1000 people, not too many people repinned my pin that was within my e-mail.

However, Sephora implemented a pin it button into their mail campaign and they were able to generate 14,000 additional repins, which resulted in 60% growth in traffic from Pinterest.

4) Have Pinterest-Friendly Images Ready to Go On Your Site

There are many sites that have beautiful horizontal images but don’t have a Pinterest-friendly image. A pinner might pin that horizontal image, but the sharing stops there because the image is not eye-catching enough on Pinterest.

You want to ensure that you have Pinterest-friendly images on your site. There are ways to have a horizontal picture on your blog, but still host a Pinterest-friendly image, such as using the Social Warfare Plugin, which allows you to have a pinnable image pop up when someone clicks on the Pinterest button (in fact, you can try it on this blog post!). 

Here’s an example from Rebekah Radice’s blog post:

Social Warfare Plugin

You don’t need a plugin to do this. You can actually do this with some coding. Pinterest’s provides you this information in one of their blog posts.

Remember, Pinterest-friendly images are:

  • Long vertical images usually at a ratio of 3:2 or 4:3 (height:width)
  • Images that are clean and crisp to view
  • Text is clearly visible on a smartphone

Want to learn more about what makes a great pin? Click here to download Tailwind’s free guide.

5) Join a Pinterest Group Board

There’s been some debate about the effectiveness of group boards and whether they work or not. I can say, in my personal experience, that group boards have been extremely helpful in getting more repins and more traffic.

In the past, group boards were littered with spam, but Pinterest has done a good job of cutting out spammers from their system, making Pinterest a more pleasant place for group boards.

A great tool to help you find the right group board is, where you can sort groups based on keywords, number of repins and how many followers the group board has.  

Look for group boards where you’re able to contact the moderator directly, or where there are instructions to contact the moderator. Usually, these are easiest Pinterest group boards to join.


6) Pin at the Right Time

If you’re looking to get more repins, then pinning at the right time is extremely crucial, even with Pinterest’s smart feed algorithim.  And this requires a bit of work if you want to get more repins.

Tailwind, will tell you how the pins you pinned are performing on Pinterest based on each individual board. After pinning at least a dozen pins to a board, I start to look at the day and time the best performing pins were pinned.

Repin Count in Tailwind

Using this data from those individual boards, I will schedule pins to go out at those times.  

One of the group boards I participate in has over 130,000 followers. I thought that if I pinned to this food related board that it would gain a lot of repins over the weekend. However, the opposite happened. The pins actually did quite poorly compared to ones that went out on weekdays.

What I did notice is that by pinning on weekdays at 5 pm Pacific Standard Time, I was able to garner, on average, more repins than on the weekends.

Interestingly, another board I’ve joined based on appetizers performs best for total repins on Saturdays, Sundays and Thursdays.

I’ll review the process every 4 months to ensure that those days and times still work to get the most repins.

Last Words

Getting more repins can help spread your content on Pinterest and bring in new visitors to your site.  Another side benefits of getting more repins is that it can help your pins rank higher in Pinterest search results and the chances of a pin going viral increases with every repin.

This is why it’s important to have a repinning strategy for Pinterest.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how you get more repins. Drop a line in the comments and share your questions or thoughts.  Happy pinning!  

6 ways to get more repins on pinterest- pin

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