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August Marketing Dates to Remember ( + Post Ideas!)

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August Marketing Dates to Remember blog post header blue background with dog

We finally made it to National Dog Month!!!! Seriously, congratulations, guys. It was touch and go for a while during COVID, but we finally got here, and I’m so proud.

Is it just me, or is August typically the busiest month of summer? Maybe it’s because we’re all squeezing in those final vacations before school starts again. Or mourning the glorious weather that’ll quickly be coming to an end. :’( 

Either way, August is a month to be enjoyed and savored, so let’s spend less time planning posts and more time living and sharing the experiences of those moments.

 Even if it’s just a picture of you partaking in a delicious dessert on National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, there are plenty of holidays and celebrations to choose from to give you some high-quality content.

National Dog Month

  • Dogs are the most common pet in America and this month celebrates man’s best friend.

Family Fun Month

  • A month dedicated to families spending time together and encouraging fun bonding activities like vacations, picnics, camping, etc. 

Happiness Happens Month

  • In the year 2000, August was declared Happiness Happens Month. A time for mental health professionals and activists to share material on learning how to be happy and teaching that happiness is a choice we make. Even Oprah said once she learned how to be happy in the now, good things finally started happening for her. 

International Peace Month

  • After WWI, August was declared International Peace Month to remember the devastation war and violence bring.

National Immunization Awareness Month

  • In order to celebrate kids going back to school, August has been dubbed National Immunization Awareness Month. This month there’s a push on vaccine safety, herd immunity, and education yourself on the benefits of vaccines.

National Sandwich Month

  • Sandwiches are a long-held tradition dating back to ancient civilizations, although they didn’t become popular until the 18th and 19th centuries. This month we bask in the glory that is food between two slices of more food.

Romance Awareness Month

  • February isn’t the only romantic month of the year! August marks Romance Awareness Month, encouraging couples to cultivate romance and intimacy by making it a priority. Whether you’re buying a bouquet of flowers or getting a couples massage, August is the perfect time to bring that spark back.

August Monthly Post Ideas

  1. For National Dog Month, go on a doggy day date and include the snapshots in your feed, along with a shout-out to your furry friend. #NationalDogMonth
  2. To honor Family Fun Month, dedicate one night to a pizza party and movie night with your family. You could take a poll in your stories asking people to vote on which weird topping to include.
  3. Read a self-help book like The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and share some simple ways people can choose to be happy in the present. And don’t forget to include #HappinessHappensMonth!
  4. This month you can post a weekly sandwich that goes against normal tradition. You could try putting potato chips inside or replacing bread with pancakes or waffles. Show your creativity this National Sandwich Month.

Important Weeks in August

World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7)

  • This week encourages awareness and support for breastfeeding, whether it’s spreading awareness of breastfeeding mothers’ legal protections or learning ways to help and support breastfeeding mothers. 

National Farmers Market Week (August 7-13)

  • Support local farmers by attending a Farmers Market! This week celebrates local farmers and the hard work they produce to bring locally sourced food to their neighbors. 

National Health Center Week (August 7-13)

  • This week we honor the low-income health centers that offer free and discounted services to those in impoverished areas.

Elvis Week (August 9-17)

  • Elvis Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll and still remains a world icon. Elvis died on August 16, 1977, and this week he’s remembered and celebrated as an iconic legend.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Week (August 17-September 5)

  • Bringing awareness to drunk driving and the dangers of driving under the influence.
August Marketing Dates to Remember breastfeeding screenshot

August Weekly Post Ideas

  • If you’re a mother who breastfed, you can share a story in your Stories talking about your breastfeeding journey along with resources for milk donation. 
  • Go to a Farmers Market and share the accounts of some of your local farmers and shops.
  • Have an Elvis-themed party to commemorate the King. Your guests could all dress up as Elvis-themed characters giving you plenty of content worthy of all the social media channels. 
  • Share in your Instagram Stories some driving alternatives to avoid driving under the influence. You can promote Lyft or Uber, along with any special deals or codes for a first ride.

Important Days in August

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (August 4)

  • This holiday doesn’t need an explanation, so instead, I’ll just say “you’re welcome” for giving you an excuse to have a chocolate chip cookie. 

International Beer Day (August 5)

  • The first Friday in August celebrates one of the most widely popular alcoholic drinks globally, along with the wide variety different cultures have brought.

National S’mores Day (August 10)

  • This day honors the goodness of roasted marshmallows accompanied by graham crackers and… chocolate as the most popular campfire treat.

International Left-Handers Day (August 13)

  • In this right-handed world, left-handed people deserve to be celebrated for learning how to adapt and struggle, whether from learning how to drive, writing on a piece of paper, or using a computer mouse.

National Senior Citizens Days (August 21)

  • This day allows recognizing and celebrating those who have lived into old age and made a difference in the world and the lives around them.

National Women’s Equality Day (August 26)

  • On August 26, 1920, the 19th amendment was finally approved, giving women the right to vote. Now America nationally celebrates this holiday as a major step toward gender equality that took decades in the making. 

National Beach Day (August 30)

  • This day celebrates all sandy or rocky surfaces that line our nation’s shores—giving you an excuse to visit the water before Labor Day and to maybe clean up some garbage while you’re there.
August Marketing Dates blog post National Women's Equality Day screenshot

August Daily Post Ideas

  • Make some cookies on National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day and share your favorite recipe!
  • Do an Instagram Live and taste test the most obscure beer flavors you can find for International Beer Day.
  • Go on a final summer camping trip and enjoy s’mores before it’s too late! 
  • Share National Beach Day by going to a shore and cleaning up some garbage and litter. Encourage your audience to do the same and reshare some Stories you get tagged in.

Don’t Be Sad Summer is Ending

The best time of year may be coming to a close, but not without a bang! From National S’mores Day to Romance Awareness Week, this month is packed full of goodies that are content-worthy. 

Show a more serious side by re-sharing accounts that promote gender equality, or give a shout-out to your favorite leftie. No matter what you decide, your followers will enjoy seeing a different side of you and potentially discovering a new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe?  

What are you most looking forward to this month? Drop it in the comments. Until next time, friends.

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Need some content ideas for the month of August? Come read about some special dates this month and see content inspiration and ideas for your feed!

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